
Bloody hell. It really has been awhile, hasn’t it?

One of the problems of working with clinicians is that they keep such unsocial hours. Which is why on a Sunday night between Christmas and New Year I’m spelunking through the fucking BCMD implementation of the fucking BrainSignals model looking for places where the fucking initialisation operator := should instead be the fucking runtime assignment operator = — Yes, I know, the fucking semantics of that fucking grisly hack were always a recipe for fucking disaster…

On the plus side, I have cooked enough pasta for 4, which I’m already making decent headway with and expect to browse to completion over the coming hours, home all alone as I am. And, as befits the season, there is plenty of wine. Perhaps when I am grossly overfed and incoherent with drunkenness I shall stagger back to these long-neglected pages and have a proper fucking rant. It’ll be just like the good old days…

But, you know, just in case I don’t, and in the extraordinarily unlikely event that anyone happens by to read this: have a very Happy New Year.