
It’s that time again. Civic duty done. Perhaps with a little more optimism than on most other occasions in recent years. Also a little more vindictiveness.

I’m trying not to get my hopes up too much after so many disappointments. But I really want to see the whole cavalcade of useless suppurating shitbags who have been posing as a government lately get utterly destroyed, humiliated, trampled in the electoral dust.

Merely losing is not enough. I want the Tory party in ruins, unsalvageable. I want every last one of those soulless preening narcissists a laughingstock, unable to show their performatively cruel and incompetent faces in public without being pelted with rotten vegetables. Not just the current dismal crop of last ditch nonentities, the alumni too, big and small. Every fatuous, entitled, smirking bastard who ever held a junior ministerial position in the department of fucking paperclips should be unemployable forever.

But okay, that’s unrealistic.

Losing is not enough, but it’ll do.

Surely that’s not too much to ask?


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