Qu’est-ce que c’est?

Occasionally is right. Yeesh.

Predictably—and indeed predicted—this happened, though currently in a pretty nascent state. Most of the notebook for Lab 2 is now there. Lab 1 is mostly done but not yet saved to GitHub. Lab 3 is also not on GH, and exists only in a very sketchy form, but contains stuff like this:

This sort of nonsense probably wouldn’t surprise anyone who has Nebulized.


That word apace in my previous post might have been a bit of an exaggeration. A snail’s pace, perhaps. There is progress, but not as much or as fast as I’d like. Things are creeping along.

The psychophysics and perception lab stuff now has a home on GitHub. I seem to be becoming a collector of GitHub organisations named after UCL module codes. An obscure hobby, admittedly, but mine own. I suspect there will be more to come—probably at least comp0161, though to date Colab alone has sufficed for that. My generative music sketch from the summer has decomposed into two parts (lab1 & lab2, both still very much works in progress), with a third chapter on synthesis and effects currently just a twinkle in its father’s eye. These labs are a bit short (one UCL hour) and their schedule a bit random, so the narrative arc might not really hang together. The arc for comp0160 ought to be more solid—weekly two hour practicals for a month, with a high value season finale (40% of the marks)—but I’m still shaky on many of the details. Especially how it all comes together at the end. I hope I won’t have to bring in a man with a gun.

All this has been somewhat overshadowed by sudden parental death. Not my own parent, but the next best thing. We’re at an age where such things should perhaps not come as a surprising—the mother of some of Ian’s friends from the same village died just a couple of days later—but of course they always are surprising, it always comes as a shock.

So, yes, we are all shocked.

I am back in London for the moment, but will be up to Wales again for the funeral (strictly, the memorial) next week. It’s sure to be a rib-tickler. In the meantime: students and coursework and panic and perhaps even—very, very occasionally—blogging.


Development of teaching materials for the new academic year proceeds apace. Currently at the top of the agenda for no very good reason: lab exercises for COMP0160 Perception & Interfaces. Here, have a prototype.

This is intended to be just one small part of one session, but it’s a starting point. Also a moving target—next week it will probably have changed.


Apropos nothing (a lie, of course—it almost always is), I am once again noticing how incoherent and ad hoc my areas of knowledge and expertise seem to be. I can’t help getting the sense when approaching a topic such as linear algebra—which I use a lot and have been in various ways for literally decades—that everything I know about it is sort of cobbled together, accreted erratically—perhaps organically would be more charitable—jury-rigged from disparate, disreputable sources on a strictly need to know basis. Whereas every other user has—surely—learned the subject in a nice clean, well-structured and elegant fashion, built up piece by precision-engineered piece from rock solid foundations to flying buttresses, assembled into an unassailable edifice of logic and proof.

Or so I imagine.

Where is your beautiful theory?

This is just an example, of course. The same applies to everything from finance to pharmacology, modelling to music, arsehole to breakfast time. I know, or at least have known, a lot of things, a lot of fragments and random bits of stuff, but it doesn’t feel like it all adds up to anything very systematic or lucid, anything that could be persuasively interpreted as understanding.

Or it’s just routine imposter syndrome rearing its head again, as the new term looms with its complement of new tasks. I’m basically gaslighting myself at this point. I should probably stop.


I’ve adapted the music generation experiments from the other day to Google Colab here. Not that I expect anyone to go look at it anytime soon — let alone run it — at least not from a discreet link tucked away in this hillbilly offramp from the information superhighway. But some future iteration may (eventually) become useful in some (as yet unclear) way to some (possibly imaginary) students.

Colab is both a blessing and a curse in these matters. On the one hand, Google dispense compute resources profligately to anyone who wants them (albeit with no guarantees and somewhat unpredictable constraints); on the other hand, it’s all delivered via the medium of Jupyter fucking Notebook.

I don’t want to get into a tedious round of that thing you like is bad, actually, but I’m very much not a fan of Jupyter. I do appreciate that its web based UI can be handily draped over an online and/or virtual backend to alleviate (or at least delegate) some of the dependency hell that besets complex software these days. Setting up a functioning work environment for data science and deep learning can be a toothgrinding business — a huge chunk of student queries and TA workload for COMP0088 last year arose from that — so it’s not really surprising that people will flock to anything that eases the burden a bit. But that doesn’t mean said web based UI isn’t also a problem in its own right.

Jupyter represents the lonesome death of software engineering. It actively militates against modularisation and scoping. Why bother to define a function when you can select a cell and run it again? It’s like Edsger Dijkstra and Niklaus Wirth died for nothing*.

Unless you really strive not to, you’ll wind up dumping everything into a global namespace that can be acted on — created, changed, deleted — unpredictably, out of order; and worse, that can persist unacknowledged between runs. When you load up a notebook there might be any amount of unknowable state lurking in it to bite you in the arse.

Python and Markdown are sometimes abstruse, but fundamentally they are made up of readable text. Notebooks are binary files full of crap. They contain nice textual code, but they are so much more than that — and by the same token, so much less. They suck for version control and configuration management. They suck for automation. They suck for reusability — and, most of the time, for plain usability.

Basically — I guess my position on this is not exactly a secret by this point — they suck.

It’s only fair to note that the notebook concept didn’t originate with Jupyter. I first encountered it in Stephen Wolfram’s amazing yet also awful Mathematica, and it may well predate that. The same decomposition into functionally unordered code cells interspersed with rich text documentation went on to infect Matlab and R too. But similar fundamental objections apply wherever it rears its ugly head. Jupyter strikes me as the worst iteration yet, but that may just be because it’s the one I used today.

Anyway, you pays your money and you takes your choice. Jupyter is the face of Colab, so everyone uses it. Even — apparently, occasionally, for my sins — me.

* Yes, yes, Wirth is still alive and Dijkstra wasn’t exactly killed in hand-to-hand combat with a GOTO statement, but you know what I mean.