Stained Glass

Yet more of the same sort of thing, yet again, yet. This time you can press ‘r’ to randomise the parameters, ‘s’ to save the current frame as an image. You’ll need to be focused, so click the canvas first.

I suppose it’s been eerily quiet around these parts. Term time is a bit of a killer — Fridays in particular this go round. Maybe I’ll post the Lecturecasts at some point, just as a marker of the hysteria of it all. More likely not.


Same old, same old, obviously.

New term approaches. I think it is slightly less daunting this time around, like I somewhat know what I’m doing, but still. There are always new aggravations. Of particular note, the clueless placeholder who ran my machine learning module last year managed inter alia to change this year’s assessment to an in person exam. Ugh. I can’t express how much I hate those wretched things. And it’s possibly the stupidest imaginable way to test ML knowledge, but UCL is a bureaucratic supertanker that takes a year to turn around, so here we are.

Eh, I really better get on and finish writing that in person intro lecture for week 1. No doubt I can multitask that during the grindingly tedious teaching committee meeting that will otherwise waste this whole afternoon.
