Decided actually to do the Twin Peaks thing, but with a very long run up. Several eps into season 1, and it’s still great, awkward longueurs, wonky soap aesthetics and all. Maybe I’ll lose enthusiasm as we plod into the latter stages of S2, but so far I’m very happy with this course of action.
Month: January 2025
Cherry Pie
Funny which ones hit you. Lynch not quite Bowie, but this feels ominously like 2016.
I should really take another run at Twin Peaks: The Return.
21 years
…of something or other. Anniversaries pile up like birthdays, with a similar drumbeat of time leaking away.
In any case, the latest batches of students got their first chances to suffer my burbling on psychophysics (2 hours of aggressively tedious experiments) and sound (couldn’t get the guitar to route into Logic, but the programmatic stuff mostly worked). If only I had the faintest clue what the fuck I was talking about.
I’m making a point of posting these things from my phone, btw. Microblogging from a proper computer would be gauche.
Turns out it’s actually pretty easy to style a tag if you don’t get sidetracked by plugins, and now I’ve microed twice in one evening. Go me.
Given the extreme low frequency of substantive posting around here, I figured it might be worth trying a different tack. Not a replacement, more a sort of parallel stream of nugatory nuggets, tossed carelessly into the æther without a moment’s thought. Quick and easy enough to, you know, actually get posted.
I’d imagined setting them apart in some way, styling or layout, and have already procrastinated through pages of WordPress plugins that entirely fail to hit the spot. Which defeats the whole purpose of the exercise, obviously. So fuck it, let’s just begin and see if it can stick at all.
After all, I was so prolific on Old Twitter, just as I still am on Mastodon.