
Sometimes it’s necessary to go back and look at — or listen to — stuff I’ve made or written or whatever in the past. Sometimes it’s not necessary but I do it anyway. It’s almost always a weird and disorienting experience. In two ways, sometimes both at once.

Of course there’s the “JFC I was so embarrassing” aspect. That’s just inevitable.

But all too often there’s also “how the hell did I do that?” Which is partly about knowledge and skills I’ve forgotten. But I think some of it is more about courage, or nerve, or just plain ignorance. Like, how did I dare attempt that, let alone pull it off?

I might be able to remember or relearn those skills. Ignorance and courage? Not so much.


It’s a rare non-micro post! Though the text content is still going to be pretty skimpy.

Yesterday’s burbling in video form. As usual my lecturing style is frantic and slapdash and I mostly sound like the coked up techbros from the cocktail party example.

Also as usual, this is unlisted, available only to the actual students on Moodle and the non-existent readers of this blog. I hope you feel suitably privileged.


Floundered through Visual Perception again. Seems like only two years ago I was blogging it chapter by chapter — a serialisation that remains unfinished, overtaken by events.

I think it went okay but it’s hard to tell. The students seem less responsive than they used to, maybe I’m atrophying. But two hours is a long haul for everyone.

Damn Fine

Decided actually to do the Twin Peaks thing, but with a very long run up. Several eps into season 1, and it’s still great, awkward longueurs, wonky soap aesthetics and all. Maybe I’ll lose enthusiasm as we plod into the latter stages of S2, but so far I’m very happy with this course of action.